Terms of Use and Rights of Confidentiality
Please read the terms before using the web site CHOICE.BG
M.L.Теx Ltd. UIC 120069574 (hereinafter referred to as “Supplier”), as creator and owner of this website choice.bg entitles you to download and view all materials posted on this Web site (hereinafter “Site”) only for personal non-commercial use, provided that follow and comply with all copyright and related inscriptions. It is not allowed to change the materials on this Site in any way or to copy, publicly distributed or granted for any public or commercial purpose. The use of materials posted on this site is prohibited on other sites. The materials on this Site are protected by the Copyright Act and Related Rights Act and any unauthorized use may be may be violation of the copyright, trademark rights or other legal provisions.
Rights and responsibilities of the parties
The materials and services on this Site are limited to the conditions specified therein for them without providing any guarantees incl. commercial and targeted. The obligations of choice.bg with respect to the products and services offered on this site are governed by the respective agreements with importers and/or distributors of the products presented and nothing on this Site can change them. Also choice.bg does not guarantee the accuracy and integrity of the published materials, software or services on this Site. choice.bg is entitled at any time and without notice to make any changes to published materials, services and prices. Some of the published material may be out of date, and choice.bg is not responsible for updating them. Any of the information published on this Site may refer to products, services or programs that are not offered and are not currently available. For more information about available products, please contact us at the contact details indicated.
Limitation of Liability
M.L.Теx Ltd., its suppliers or third parties shall not be liable in any circumstances for any damages including, but not limited to, damages of lost profits, loss of information or others resulting from the use, inability to use or the results of the use of this Site, as this is independent of the existence or non-existence of a warning against choice.bg for the opportunity to arise such damages. In case that as a result of the use of this Site or any materials from it by your part, caused damages that require repairs, servicing or repair of equipment or information, YOU assume all liability and all expenses related to the remedying of the damages.
Using software
Available Software that is accessible through published links from this Site is under copyright protection and is owned by the respective manufacturers and / or their suppliers and partners. Please read the terms of use specified by its owners before using the software.
Information about users’ privacy rights
Choice.bg does not want to receive confidential or secured information from you through this Site. All materials, information, and other messages, or sent from this Site will be considered non-confidential and not subject to any rights. Working with personal information that you can optionally send to choice.bg in order to obtain products or services offered on this website is under the protection of the Personal Data Protection Act. You have no right to expose or send from or to this Site any illegal, abusive, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or other information that is in violation of applicable laws. choice.bg uses personal information to better identify your needs and interests so we can provide you with better quality services. In some cases, we use the information you provide to help you place an order or execute a transaction, keep in touch with you, inform you about our products, services and offers, personalize promotional offers.
We do not sell or rent, lease or in any other way you send personal information to third parties.
Choice.bg is administrator of personal data that you provide and is responsible for them, according to the applicable Personal Data Protection Act.
The data we collect from you is stored within the European Economic Area (EEA) but can also be transferred and processed in a non-EEA country. Any case of transfer of your personal data will be made in accordance with applicable laws.
For any specific processing of personal data we collect from you, we will inform you whether the provision of personal data is required by law or whether it is necessary to conclude a contract and whether you are required to provide personal data and what consequences are possible if you decide do not do it.
You may at any time request information about your personal information we store. You can contact Choice and then your personal details will be provided to you by email.
You may request that your personal data be corrected if incorrect, including the addition of incomplete personal data. If you have a Choice subscription profile, you can edit your personal information on your account page.
You may delete all personal data processed by Choice at any time except in the following situations:
* You are currently in the process of communicating with Customer Service on solving a problem
* You have an open order that has not yet been sent or is partially shipped
* You have an outstanding debt to Choice, regardless of the method of payment
* If you are suspected of abuse or have abused our services over the last four years
* Your debt has been sold to a third party in the last three years or one year to deceased customers
* Your credit application has been declined in the last three months
* If you made a purchase, we will keep your personal data relating to your transaction according to the accounting rules.
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data on the basis of Choice’s legitimate interest. Choice will not continue to process your personal data unless it is proved that that there are convincing legal bases that have priority over your interests and rights, or due to legal claims.
You have the right to request Choice to restrict the processing of your personal data upon the following circumstances:
* If you object to the processing based on the legitimate interest of Choice. Choice will restrict the processing of the data pending the outcome of the verification of the legal grounds.
* if you claim that your data is inaccurate, Choice should restrict processing pending the result of the verification of the accuracy of personal data.
* if the processing is illegal, you can object to the deletion of your personal data and instead require a limitation of their use
* if Choice no longer needs the personal data, but they are needed to exercise or protection of legal claims.
If you believe that Choice is processing your personal data in the wrong way, you may contact us. You also have the right to appeal to a supervisor.
Feedback on goods
The pages of this website provide an opportunity for users to post comments on the goods offered. Сhoice.bg assumes no liability under any circumstances for the accuracy of the published information and the correctness and responsibility of the users who posted the opinions. The responsibility for the accuracy of the published information is entirely borne by the users who posted the information. Choice.bg reserves the right to delete opinions that are not on the subject or are not in the Bulgarian language. For problems and complaints, use the LINK WITH US form at the top of the site.
References to this web site
You may create links to this Site from other sites, but only after accepting the terms of choice.bg. For more information on this issue, please contact us at the specified coordinates.
Changing prices
Choice.bg has the right to change prices at its own discretion at any time without prior notice to users. The user is obliged to pay the price that was current at the time of signing the contract. In case of technical errors in the publication of the site, choice.bg has the right to refuse to execute the contract and shall not owe any indemnity to the consumer except to reimburse the amounts paid by the consumer if there are any.
The announcement of reduced prices is by putting a new price to the old that is crossed. If period of the reduced price is not specified, this price shall be valid until the quantities are exhausted but not more than 1 month or 6 months when under the conditions of Article 66, paragraph 2, of the Consumer Protection Act (CPA).
Rights and obligations under the Consumer Protection Act
Pursuant to the CPA, choice.bg is obliged and we provide the following information freely:
* 1. the main characteristics of the goods are displayed in details in the page for presentation of each product
* 2. the price of the goods is written with VAT included on the pages for the presentation of the product concerned.
* 3. the value of transport costs for shipping, which are not included in the price of goods, you can see in the section Terms and Delivery.
* 4. we do not impose any additional value upon using the presented means of communication with us.
* 5. Delivery Methods are described in detail in Terms and Delivery section.
* 6. the payment of the goods is in compliance with Article 93 (1) of the Law on Obligations and Contracts (LOC), for which the relevant document is received.
Refusal of goods
Every client has the right to refuse his/her order when wishes by a phone call before the goods being sent. The amount paid is refunded within 2 working days.
Every client has the right to refuse his/her order when wishes by a phone call before the goods being sent. You as a consumer have the right to cancel the ordered goods within 7 days of receipt of the goods in case they are not used, the integrity of their packaging and in the form in which the goods are received and the conditions under Art. 55 of the CPA are obtained. The amount will be refunded as soon as we check the goods. The maximum refunding period is 7 working days.
If a defective product is found within 24 hours from its receipt and upon undamaged commercial form of the product, and the packaging, we undertake to replace it with a new according to the guarantee conditions of the respective manufacturer , if a defective product is found within 24 hours from its receipt and upon undamaged commercial form of the product, and the packaging, we undertake to replace it with a new according to the guarantee conditions of the respective manufacturer.
Information about Private Data Processor
Name: M.L.Теx Ltd.
UIC/BULSTAT: 120069574
Address: Bulgaria, Dospat, 1 “Capitan Petko voyvoda” Str.
E-mail: raliza@knitex-96.com
Telephone: +359 887 351099
Information about the Supervisory Authority
Name: Commission for Personal Data Protection
Seat: 2 Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov Blvd., 1592 Sofia
Website: www.cpdp.bg
What type of data CHOICE.BG collects, process and store
Upon registration or order in the website – Names, Phone number for contact, Address, Email address, IP Address
Upon inquiry from the contact form in the website – Names, Phone number for contact, Email address, IP Address
Upon issuing an invoice – Company Name, Representative Names, UIC/BULSTAT, Address of company registration
Personal data storage period
CHOICE.BG keeps all personal data for a period of 1 year or more in the case where the nature of the communication itself requires it, for example, in the case of prolonged commercial and / or other relationships.
Transfer of your personal data for processing
CHOICE.BG indirectly uses and transmits a portion of the personal data to users of third parties and suppliers who are:
- Google Analytics
- Tawk.to (online chat)
- Google Ads (internet advertising)
- Facebook (internet advertising)
- SuperHosting.bg (hosting service)
Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’)
You may request the deletion of your personal data by sending an email to raliza@knitex-96.com. It is imperative to verify your identity before deleting data about the data subject.
Cookie Policy
CHOICE.BG uses cookies that are important for its correct operation. By visiting our site, you accept the use of cookies. We use the following types of cookies:
Essential cookies
These cookies are required for the correct operation of the website. For example, we set the correct language to visualize the site.
Analytical cookies
Thanks to these cookies, we monitor the visit to our site (Google Analytics), which pages of your site you’ve viewed, whether you visited our site through a mobile or desktop device, operating system, and more. Through them we do not collect any other information about your personal data.
Functional cookies
These cookies let you use the full functionality of our site and remember the web site’s preferred language.
All the cookies you receive from our site may be blocked by the & nbsp; browser you are using. Keep in mind that if you restrict certain types of cookies, our site may not work properly or as expected.